
Vision & Values


of Zecruiters is to be “THE CHOICE of client as strategic partner in talent search and human resource management”

Zecruiter's Vision


help in keeping focus approach and avoiding dilemma situations. We have abided certain values which can help us in achieving our vision.

i) People   
ii) Integrity  
iii) Innovation  
iv) Commitment
Zecruiter's Values


It is not possible for a firm to function and survive without the patronage of people in an around them and such is our belief. The human face of an organization is its most cherished and valuable resource. In a world of multiple choices and multifaceted people, you need someone to rely on for smooth operations & provide quality services which can cater to all your human resource needs at one go. People includes both internal as well as external.

a) Internal:

We have a collaborative working style and the most dedicated team to be proud of. We work as a family with strong bonding, respect for each other and tolerance for diverging opinions. We believe in maintaining a healthy work life balance for our employees.

Zecruiter's People

b) External:

Our clients are our greatest assets as they are the reason for our existence. We provide them with the best quality services which include prompt response, consistent communication, quality information and a focus on providing a superior customer experience each and every time. This is achieved by our team by demonstrating “One Team” attitude. According to Kevin Stirtz, ”Know what your customers want most and what your company does best. Focus on where those two meet.”

Zecruiter's External People


It means presenting to the people in a way which is true and authentic. We act with honesty and great level of transparency. It is required for smooth operations amongst different levels of the organization in terms of plans, decisions and priorities.
We take the responsibility for our actions. Higher level of integrity helps in building trust within people. In Oprah Winfrey words, “Real integrity is doing the right thing, knowing that nobody’s going to know whether you did it or not.”

Zecruiter's Integrity


There often is no right answer to a problem which leads to experimentation which drives many projects, efforts, assignments and ultimately opportunities for improvement.
Novelty and Innovation are the hallmark of our firm. We implement innovative measures as and when required to fulfill our clients’ changing needs through constant evolution in recruitment practices and processes.

Zecruiter's Innovations


Commitment is what transforms the promise into reality. It is the word that speaks boldly of your intentions. It is a serious, long-term promise you make to yourself and others to fully dedicate yourself to your task & team even in tough times. Further, commitment means not only promising to do something but much more importantly, actually investing the necessary efforts and actions to make it happen. We are committed to our internal and external clients.

Zecruiter's Commitments

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